Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd, May Allah be pleased with him, Allah's Messenger, Peace be upon him, said, "The people will remain on the right path as they hasten the Iftar (break fast of fasting person)."  (Bukhari)
Narrated Anas bin Malik, may Allah pleased with him, The Prophet, Peace be upon him, said,"Take Sahur as there is a blessing in it." (Bukhari)
What a Fasting Person Says Upon Iftar
When the Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him, would break his fast he would say: "Thahaba ath-thama'u wa btallatil-'urooqu wa thabuta al-ajru in sha'a Allahu (The thirst has gone, the blood vessels have become moist, and the reward has been established with the will of Allah)."
Fasting six days of Shawal
The Prophet, Peace be upon him, said: "Whoever fasts Ramadan, then follows it up with six days in Shawal, it is as if he fasted the whole (year)" (Muslim)
    Fasting and pious
    Allah, the Almighty said, "O, you who believe! Observing the fast is prescribed for you as it was prescribed upon those who came before you that you may become pious."(2:184)

    This verse began with an order to observe the fast, and ended with the wisdom behind it which is that we may become pious (haveing taqwah).

    Allah tied between the command of fasting, and state of piety. Piety is to abstain from all types of sin, and evil deeds which Allah has forbidden; and to perform all forms for the good deeds He has commanded. It is also to love, and fear Allah. This is why Allah tied between His commands, and piety. Those who fear Allah, and love Him will obey Him as a way of showing their LOVE, and HOPE for His reward, and their FEAR of His punishment.

    Fasting is a type of worship that none but Allah can ascertain. It is for this reason that fasting is a true test of piety creates the feeling that Allah is also with us in that He hears us, sees us, and knows all about us. This feeling makes us always consider whether our deeds are good, or bad; and worship Allah in the way that He wants is to.

    Fasting and Muslim's Characters
    Islam always cares for the characters of the Muslim. Worship in Islam is aimed at developing noble characters in a Muslim to apply in his daily life.

    Fasting (called Saum in Arabic) is not just abstain from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse, but also to abstain from bad behaviors that are rejected in Islam.

    The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: " Fasting is a shield, and a protection, and a covering, so [the fasting person] should not engaged in sexual activity, nor behave arrogantly, and if a person comes to fight with him, or insult him, he should say: "I am fasting person" twice. For by the one in whose hands is my life is, the smell of a fasting persons mouth is more pleasant with Allah than the smell of musk. He leaves his eating, and his drinking, and his sexual desire for my sake. Fasting is for Me, and I reward it; and a hasanah (merit) is rewarded by ten multiples [its worth]". (Hadith No. 1761 in Saheeh Al-Bukhari)
    Beside leaving food and drink from down until sun set, fasting person should abstain from having sex with his wife while he/she fasting. Also fasting person should abstain from bad behaviors. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Whoever does not give up lying speech (false statements) and acting on those lies and evil actions etc., Allah is not need of his leaving his food and drink [ i.e Allah will not accept his Saum (fasting)]." (Al-Bukhari)

    The Prophet, peace be upon him, showed that Allah may not accpt the fasting of a person if he behaves arrogantly. A Muslim must control his behavior all his life. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "dearest and nearest among you to me on the Day of Resurrection will be one who is the best of you in conduct; and the most abhorrent among you to me and the furthest of you from me will be the pomous boastful braggarts, and Al-Mtafaihiqun (those who pretend to knowledgeable)." (At-Tirmidhi)

    Fasting is one of the most difficult, and most important types of worship. It is a test of one's ability to abstain from the most basic of human needs such as eating, drinking, and sexual activity. Most importantly it teaches a Muslim patience, and forbearance in the confrontation of ignorance, violence, and insult. Self restraint should be exercised every day, not just in Ramadan; and Ramadan provides the Muslim with the opportunity to train and build this behavior.

    What is after Ramadan
    In Ramadan, we banned ourself from many actions seeking Allah's pleasure. The banning is to teach us to control ourselves and behaviors. This banning is not selves and behaviors. This banning is not restricted to Ramadan only, but available for the whole year. So we must keep practice what used to do in Ramadan. Also there are many good deeds than that is many people to do in Ramadan more than other months, such as reading Qur'an, give out charity for needy and being generous, night prayers, visit relatives, feeding the poor people. we do all these actions seeking Allah's pleasure and bringing us closer to Him, The Almighty. Still all these actions are valid for the whole year.

    We still could have good deeds after Ramadan. By fasting six days of Shawal (month after Ramadan) this will equivalent to the reward of fasting a whole year, also fasting the day of Arafat (in the month of Hajj), fasting Monday and Thursday of each week, or fasting the days of 13, 14, 15 of each Arabic month. We can pray at night as much as we can and lets dedicate an hour a day to read Qur'an. Try to give out a charity even one cent. Allah will reward you for it.

    Generally, Ramadan is like school teaching us how to change our life and behavior to a good one. The loser who returns back to his bad deeds after Ramadan.

    O, Allah accept out fasting and shield us from hell fire. O, Allah forgive our sins.
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